How It Works?

EntropynHow It Works?

Entropyn Service based on Translighters Digital and Dynamic Vision Board technologies

Entropyn Applications, Entropyn Research, EntropynWhat is It?

Step 1: You upload htpps link of your meeting to Bio-Net Server

Step 2: You’ll receive a file what you will send to your participants

Enjoy Entropyn!

Entropyn service based on Translighters technologies by Sergey Avdeev and Kirill Korotkov

Attention management is an area of endeavor seeking to optimize the way people allocate their limited capacity for focused mental engagement. The area grew out of attention economics, the application of economic principles to the study of how humans deal with with the overwhelming amount of information vying for their attention.

Gestalt psychologists compare physical entropy (as the desire of closed systems to uniformly redistribute physical energy) with the laws of visual perception of natural forms based on the principle of energy saving

Entropy – a way of interaction between the individual and the social environment

Entropy is determined by the fact that the social environment, on the one hand, and the personality, on the other hand, can include entropy and non-entropy tendencies

Certain ratio of forms combinatorics possibilities creates infinity quantities of interaction between individuals

Wide range of interactions makes it possible to go beyond the limited definition of personality as a stable system operating in a changing environment

More about Translighters Digital technologies


How to connect Entropyn to our meetings (online, live, translation etc)?

Choose Time of Life, Activate Attention manager and Upload links to the Bio-Net Server

Activate Entropyn Now!

See more: Site of Writers Association, Online store and Entropyn, First Healing TV